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Publication 2020-21

Title & Details

Chetana Tailor, Bankim Patel Bankim Patel Chetana Tailor Chunker for Gujarati Language using

Hybrid Approach Springer International

Yesha Mehta Kalpesh Lad   Technology Trend Prediction from social media using Long Short Term Memory Network International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) International Volume9, Issue4 836-840

Chetana Tailor, Bankim Patel Context and Lexicon based Gender Identification of Noun Phrase for Gujarati Text using Hybrid Approach National Journal of System and Information Technology

(NJSIT) National Volume12 , Issue2 107-114 0974- 3308

Mubashshirahbanu ShekhDr. Vikas Chomal Contemporary State and Trends of Business Intelligence and Analytics Market in India Proceeding of Multidisciplinary International Conference TUICON2019, International Volume1, Issue1 216 978-93-5351-069-5