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Ms.ChandrakalaChetri, Dr.Subhashchandra Desai and Dr.KalpeshLad(2016). A Study of Security of DICOM Images while Exchange over Public Networks. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 9(2): 83-96 |
2016 |
TejasGhadiyali, KalpeshLad(2016). Agriculture Intelligence Performance Enhancement Through Implementation of Preprocessing Techniques. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), 12(12): 39-44 |
2016 |
Rohan K. Naik, Dr.KalpeshLad(2016). Face Features Based Side View Face Recognition System. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 9(1): 30-37 |
2016 |
Rohan K. Naik, Kalpesh B. Lad(2016). A Review on Face Feature Extraction Technique For Face Recognition System. International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research, 1(9): 57-66 |
2016 |
SandeepMaurya, KhushbuMaurya, GauravChaudhary, PinkeshPatel(2016). Gender and Number Identification for Gujarati word: Rule-Based Approach. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 9(2): 77-82 |
2016 |
Payal Shah, MurariJangir, Pratik Suchak, Ms.BhumikaDesai(2016). Analyse Teachers Appraisal using Intelligent System. International journal of Computing , 1(2): 119-120 |
2016 |
JitendraNasriwala, Bankim Patel(2016). Recognition of Offline Handwritten Gujarati using Structural Features. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 9(1): 17-24 |
2016 |
JayshriPatil, PoonamGodhwani(2016). Review of Name Entity Recognition in Marathi Language. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2(6): 497-499 |
2016 |
PoonamGodhwani, Anita Gianchandani(2016). Review of Software Quality Metric Used in Today's Market. International Journal of Current Research, 8(5): 31565-31569 |
2016 |
PoonamGodhwani, AhirBhoomika, BhalalaUrvashi, PathanAzmeena, GanganiPinal, Patel Suhani(2016). Mining Search Log for Keyword Stuffing. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 8(1): 1 |
2016 |
Ms.Jaishree Tailor, Ms.KhushbuMulatani,Mr. Mohammad Aswat,Mr.MohsinJadav(2016). Analyzing Spatial Autocorrelation in distribution of soil chemical properties using Moran's I and Variogram for talukas of Surat district. NJSIT, 9(2): 97-106 |
2016 |
Nilay M Vaidya, Priti S Sajja(2016). Learner Ontological Model for Intelligent Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), 6(2): 20-23 |
2016 |
Nilay M Vaidya, Priti S Sajja(2016). Ubiquitous Computing Agent to Determine Effective Content and Recommend Curriculum in Collaborative Learning Environment. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer & Communication Technology, 1(1): 96 |
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Himani Parekh, Pratik Nayak(2016). An approach on keyframe-based video summarization using color histogram and evaluation method. International journal of scientific research , 5(5): 454 to 462 |
2016 |
Pratik Nayak, HimaniParekh(2016). Content based image retrieval using color histogram. International journal of science technology and engineering, 2(11): 676 to 679 |
2016 |
Amish Patel, Puja Kadam(2016). An ample study of numerous intelligent systems used for agriculture: Review. International Journal of Computer Application, 143(1): 20-24 |
2016 |
Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2016). Learner Ontological Model for Intelligent Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 6(2): 20-23 |
2016 |
Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2016). Ubiquitous Computing Agent to Determine Effective Content and Recommend Curriculum in Collaborative Learning Environment. Recent Trends in Computer & Communication Technology, 1(1): 96-99 |
2016 |
Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2016). Feasibility Study for Assessing Readiness to a Collaborative e-Learning Environment. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 6(6): 10-16 |
2016 |
Rohan K. Naik, Kalpesh B. Lad(2016). A Review on Side-View Face Recognition Methods. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 4(3): 2984-2991 |
2016 |
Himadri H. Patel, Rudri Mehta, AnishShaikh, Ravija Mehta, Namrata Patel, Devangshi Patel(2016). Object or its feature identification from Mobile Reviews in Gujarati Language. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9(1): 1-4 |
2016 |
PoonamGodhwani, JayshriPatil(2016). Cyber Security Approach using Data Mining for Malicious Code Detection. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 5(6): 1 |
2016 |
Ms.Jayshri A. Patil, Ms.Poonam B. Godhwani(2016). Review of name entity recognition in marathi language. International journal for science and advance research in technology, 2(6): - |
2016 |
Mr.Abhishek Mehta, (2016). Computational Intelligence, Granular Computing and Soft Computing. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, 5(3): 187-192 |
2016 |
Hinal Shah, PrachiBhandari, ShivaniThakor, Mishika Patel, krunalMistry(2016). STUDY OF NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION FOR INDIAN LANGUAGES. International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST), 6(0): 12-25 |
2016 |
Himadri Patel, Bankim Patel(2016). A critical study of challenges in educational opinion mining of text written in Gujarati language. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 9(1): 25-34 |
2016 |
Himadri H. Patel, Dr. Bankim C. Patel(2016). A critical study of challenges in educational opinion mining of text written in Gujarati language. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 9(1): 25-34 |
2016 |
Ms.Bhumika A. Desai, Nil(2016). Analyse Development of Intelligent System in Different Application Area and Education. international journal of innovation of science and techonolgy, 2(12): 297-299 |
2016 |
JitendraNasriwala, Bankim Patel, (2016). Offline Handwritten Gujarati Character Recognition Based on Water Reservoir and Radial Histogram. International Journal of Electrical Electronics and Computer Science Engineering: 17-20 |