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Publication 2016

2016 Ms.ChandrakalaChetri, Dr.Subhashchandra Desai and Dr.KalpeshLad(2016). A Study of Security of DICOM Images while Exchange over Public Networks. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 9(2): 83-96
2016 TejasGhadiyali, KalpeshLad(2016). Agriculture Intelligence Performance Enhancement Through Implementation of Preprocessing Techniques. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), 12(12): 39-44
2016 Rohan K. Naik, Dr.KalpeshLad(2016). Face Features Based Side View Face Recognition System. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 9(1): 30-37
2016 Rohan K. Naik, Kalpesh B. Lad(2016). A Review on Face Feature Extraction Technique For Face Recognition System. International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research, 1(9): 57-66
2016 SandeepMaurya, KhushbuMaurya, GauravChaudhary, PinkeshPatel(2016). Gender and Number Identification for Gujarati word: Rule-Based Approach. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 9(2): 77-82
2016 Payal Shah, MurariJangir, Pratik Suchak, Ms.BhumikaDesai(2016). Analyse Teachers Appraisal using Intelligent System. International journal of Computing , 1(2): 119-120
2016 JitendraNasriwala, Bankim Patel(2016). Recognition of Offline Handwritten Gujarati using Structural Features. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 9(1): 17-24
2016 JayshriPatil, PoonamGodhwani(2016). Review of Name Entity Recognition in Marathi Language. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2(6): 497-499
2016 PoonamGodhwani, Anita Gianchandani(2016). Review of Software Quality Metric Used in Today's Market. International Journal of Current Research, 8(5): 31565-31569
2016 PoonamGodhwani, AhirBhoomika, BhalalaUrvashi, PathanAzmeena, GanganiPinal, Patel Suhani(2016). Mining Search Log for Keyword Stuffing. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 8(1): 1
2016 Ms.Jaishree Tailor, Ms.KhushbuMulatani,Mr. Mohammad Aswat,Mr.MohsinJadav(2016). Analyzing Spatial Autocorrelation in distribution of soil chemical properties using Moran's I and Variogram for talukas of Surat district. NJSIT, 9(2): 97-106
2016 Nilay M Vaidya, Priti S Sajja(2016). Learner Ontological Model for Intelligent Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), 6(2): 20-23
2016 Nilay M Vaidya, Priti S Sajja(2016). Ubiquitous Computing Agent to Determine Effective Content and Recommend Curriculum in Collaborative Learning Environment. National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer & Communication Technology, 1(1): 96
2016 Himani Parekh, Pratik Nayak(2016). An approach on keyframe-based video summarization using color histogram and evaluation method. International journal of scientific research , 5(5): 454 to 462
2016 Pratik Nayak, HimaniParekh(2016). Content based image retrieval using color histogram. International journal of science technology and engineering, 2(11): 676 to 679
2016 Amish Patel, Puja Kadam(2016). An ample study of numerous intelligent systems used for agriculture: Review. International Journal of Computer Application, 143(1): 20-24
2016 Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2016). Learner Ontological Model for Intelligent Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 6(2): 20-23
2016 Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2016). Ubiquitous Computing Agent to Determine Effective Content and Recommend Curriculum in Collaborative Learning Environment. Recent Trends in Computer & Communication Technology, 1(1): 96-99
2016 Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2016). Feasibility Study for Assessing Readiness to a Collaborative e-Learning Environment. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, 6(6): 10-16
2016 Rohan K. Naik, Kalpesh B. Lad(2016). A Review on Side-View Face Recognition Methods. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 4(3): 2984-2991
2016 Himadri H. Patel, Rudri Mehta, AnishShaikh, Ravija Mehta, Namrata Patel, Devangshi Patel(2016). Object or its feature identification from Mobile Reviews in Gujarati Language. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9(1): 1-4
2016 PoonamGodhwani, JayshriPatil(2016). Cyber Security Approach using Data Mining for Malicious Code Detection. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 5(6): 1
2016 Ms.Jayshri A. Patil, Ms.Poonam B. Godhwani(2016). Review of name entity recognition in marathi language. International journal for science and advance research in technology, 2(6): -
2016 Mr.Abhishek Mehta, (2016). Computational Intelligence, Granular Computing and Soft Computing. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, 5(3): 187-192
2016 Hinal Shah, PrachiBhandari, ShivaniThakor, Mishika Patel, krunalMistry(2016). STUDY OF NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION FOR INDIAN LANGUAGES. International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST), 6(0): 12-25
2016 Himadri Patel, Bankim Patel(2016). A critical study of challenges in educational opinion mining of text written in Gujarati language. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 9(1): 25-34
2016 Himadri H. Patel, Dr. Bankim C. Patel(2016). A critical study of challenges in educational opinion mining of text written in Gujarati language. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 9(1): 25-34
2016 Ms.Bhumika A. Desai, Nil(2016). Analyse Development of Intelligent System in Different Application Area and Education. international journal of innovation of science and techonolgy, 2(12): 297-299
2016 JitendraNasriwala, Bankim Patel, (2016). Offline Handwritten Gujarati Character Recognition Based on Water Reservoir and Radial Histogram. International Journal of Electrical Electronics and Computer Science Engineering: 17-20