Year |
Title |
2017 |
NilayVaidya, Dr.Priti S Sajja(2017). Agent based system for collaborative learning environment in an educational habitat. IEEE Conference Publications: 1-5 |
2017 |
JikitshaSheth, Bankim Patel(2017). Saaraansh: Gujarati Text Summarization System. International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology and Security, 7(3): 46-53 |
2017 |
Ms.PoonamGodhwani, Ms. Anita Gianchandani(2017). Preventing IP Spoofing using Hop Count Filtering Method with MAC Address Approach. Proceeding of National Conference On "Sustainable Computing and Information Technology" (SCIT-2017), 1(1): 1 |
2017 |
JitendraUpadhyay, KalpeshLad(2017). Comprehensive Study on Gujarati Handwritten Character Recognition. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 10(1): 35-46 |
2017 |
Dr.Jaishree Tailor, Dr.Kalpesh Lad, Dr. Ravi Gulati, (2017). Measuring Spatial Co-relation of Soil pH and Fe using TheoriticalVariograms. International Journal of Computer Science and Networks, 6(5): 533-538 |
2017 |
Dr.Jaishree Tailor, Dr.Kalpesh Lad, (2017). Terrain Mapping for South Gujarat: GIS based Solution for Geo Community. International Journal of Future Revolution in Computer Science and Communication Engineering, 3(10): 230-233 |
2017 |
Pratik Nayak, Himani Parekh, (2017). A Survey on Key Frame Based Video Summarization Techniques. International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, 4(11): 35-38 |
2017 |
ZaranaKanani, Krishna Patel, (2017). Primal Strategies to Enhance Performance of Computer Science Students. National Journal of Scientific Reseach and Development: |
2017 |
TejasGhadiyali, Kalpesh Lad, (2017). Cultivar's Choice: An imperative application of Agriculture Intelligence. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research: |
2017 |
TejasGhadiyali, Kalpesh Lad, (2017). Optimum Crop Cultivation Date Selection using Meteorological and Fiscal Parameters in Agriculture Intelligence. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8(3): |
2017 |
TejasGhadiyali, Kalpesh Lad, (2017). Crop Cultivation Intelligent System. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 8(2): 167-175 |