2014 |
JitendraNasriwala, Bankim Patel(2014). A Novel Approach for Gujarati Handwritten Text Lines and Words Segmentation. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 7(1): 51-60 |
2014 |
SapanNaik, Bankim Patel(2014). CIELab based color feature extraction for maturity level grading of Mango ( Mangifera Indica L.). National Journal of System and Information Technology, 7(1): - |
2014 |
NikishaJariwala, Bankim Patel(2014). Multi Oriented Gujarati Characters Recognition. International Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(2): 1-5 |
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ArifS.Patel, Indrajit V. Kaplatiya, DipakD.Daya, Himadri H. Patel(2014). An Algorithm of Template Based Automatic Attendance Entry. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 2(4): 61-64 |
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Jay Patel, Vagadiya N., Dobariya D., Gohel H., Donda T., Sheth J.(2014). Word Sense Disambiguation using S-WordNet. National Journal of Science and Information Technology , 7(1): 71-84 |
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JikitshaSheth, NiravNaik, MrudulRaval(2014). Comparative Study of Spelling Checking Algorithms for Gujarati Language. Vision & Quest-International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 4(2): 75-80 |
2014 |
Ashok Mistry, BhavinKuchhadiya, HinalPrajapati, YaminiPrajapati, JikitshaSheth(2014). Performance Improvement with Hashing to solve 0-1 Knapsack Problem using Genetic Algorithm. National Journal of Science and Information Technology , 7(1): 61-70 |
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Jaishree Tailor, Dr. Ravi Gulati Mr.RashvinTailor(2014). Application of Ordinary Kriging on Educational Data using FOSS4G: R Platform. OSGEO-FOSS4G Proceedings, 1(1): 1-5 |
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Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja(2014). Intelligent Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(2): 116-118 |
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Nilay M. Vaidya, PritiSajja, DivyangGor(2014). Evaluating learning effectiveness in collaborative learning environment by using Multi-Objective Grey Situation Decision Making Theory. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), 6(8): 41-45 |
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PoonamYadav, (2014). Performance Comparison Of Encryption Techniques for MPEG2-TS Video Streaming. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 3(3): 50-52 |
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RohanNaik, KalpeshLad(2014). Challenges and issues in intelligent video surveillance system. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, 3(6): 2004-2011 |
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TejasGhadiyali, Dr.Kalpesh Lad, Dr.JayeshDhodiya(2014). Meteorological Data Analysis for Agriculture Intelligence. Proceedings of 19th Annual cum 4th International Conference of GAMS on Advances in Mathematical Modeling to Real World Problems, 1(1): 14-19 |
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TejasGhadiyali, Dr.KalpeshLad(2014). Inevitability of Agriculture Intellect in Agri-Business. International Multidisciplinary Journal for Applied Research, 1(12): 119-121 |
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TejasGhadiyali ,Dr.Kalpesh Lad(2014). Feature Selection in Agriculture Intelligence. nternational Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences, 4(1): 77-81 |
2014 |
Mr.Tejaskumar R. Ghadiyali, Dr.Kalpesh B. Lad, Dr.JayeshDhodiya(2014). Agricultural Commodity Market Price Prediction for Wellbeing of Agriculture Stake Holder. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, 9(1): 89-100 |
2014 |
NikishaJariwala, Bankim Patel(2014). Gujarati Text to Speech Conversion: A Review. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, Special Issue (Conference): 21-25 |
2014 |
Ashish B. Tikarya, Kothari Mayur, Pinkeh H. Patel(2014). Pre-Processing Phase of Text Summarization Based on Gujarati Language. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST), 2(4): 48-51 |