2015 |
PoonamGodhwani, Anita Gianchandani(2015). Applications Oriented Research Challenges in Opinion Mining & Sentiment Analysis. 2nd National Seminar on Natural Language Processing and Data Mining, 1(1): 1 |
2015 |
Nilay M. Vaidya, YogeshPatel(2015). An Intelligent Semantic Agent for Distributed Data Management – An E-learning Messenger. Service Sector: Contemporary Issues, 1(1): 139-141 |
2015 |
RohanNaik, KalpeshLad(2015). Face Recognition from Multi Angled Images. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 4(2): 506-509 |
2015 |
TejasGhadiyali, Dr.Kalpesh Lad, Dr. Manish Kayasth(2015). Role of Meteorological Parameters in Agriculture Intelligence. Proceedings for National Conference of Recent Trends in Information Technology, 1(1): 108-114 |
2015 |
TejasGadhyali, KalpeshLad(2015). Contribution of information and communication technology for conservation of natural resources in agriculture sector. Proccedding of National Seminar on Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment, 1(1): 66-71 |
2015 |
TejasGadhyali, KalpeshLad(2015). Design and Development of the Agriculture Model: A way to connect farmer community to agriculture market for betterment of rural management. CSI Transaction Publication on ICT Springer: 1-2 |
2015 |
Nidhi Patel, PinalSuratwala, Rupal Patel, Bhakti Kaneriya, DharaSoliya, Mansi Gandhi, Mr.VivekFumakia(2015). Blind Water marking scheme for Gray-Scale image using DCT. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT-Dec 2015), 8(2): 65 |
2015 |
Ms.Khushbu Patel, Ishita Patel, Dhwanil Patel, BhumikaChauhan, Foram Patel, RinalMistry(2015). Noise Detection and Reduction in Printed English Text. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 8(2): 71-78 |
2015 |
Mr.Jitendra B Upadhyay, Dr. S. V. Patel(2015). A Review Analysis of Preprocessing Techniques in Web usage Mining. In ternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 4(4): 1160-1166 |
2015 |
Mr.Jitendra B Upadhyay, MistryParin,Gupta Saumya,SonejiKishor, Vaghchaure Kartik, Patel Sanjay(2015). To Identify Users Behavior Using Web Usage Mining Techniques. International Journal for Research & Exploration in Science & Technology, 1(5): 1-6 |
2015 |
Harshad Patel, HitenPethani, KalpeshPipaliya, Milan Kakadiya, RenishUsdadia, HirenPatel(2015). Object Removed Using Structure Oriented In Image Processing. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 8(2): 89-96 |
2015 |
PoonamGodhwani, BhoomikaAhir, UrvashiBhalala, AzmeenaPathan, PinalGangani, SuhaniPatel(2015). Mining Search Log for Keyword Stuffing. National Journal of System and Information Technology (NJSIT), 8(1): 37-46 |
2015 |
Jaishree Tailor, Dr. Ravi Gulati(2015). Comparing Prediction Accuracy of OK and RK for the Soils of SuratTalukas. Conference Proceedings: 202 - 207 |
2015 |
Amish Patel, Puja Kadam, SapanNaik(2015). Color, Size and Shape Feature Extraction Techniques for Fruits: A Technical Review . International Journal of Computer Application, 130(16): 6-10 |
2015 |
PoonamGodhwani, Anita Gianchandani(2015). Review of Software Quality Metric Used in Today's Market. International Journal of Current Research, 8(5): 31565-31569 |
2015 |
PoonamGodhwani, Anita Gianchandani(2015). Applications Oriented Research Challenges in Opinion Mining & Sentiment Analysis. 2nd National Seminar on Natural Language Processing and Data Mining, 1(1): 1 |
2015 |
Mr.Tejaskumar R. Ghadiyali, KalpeshLad(2015). Sustainable Decision Support System for Crop Cultivation. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 3(2): 36-45 |
2015 |
NiraliHonest,Atul Patel, Bankim Patel(2015). Applying supervised learning techniques for constructing predictive models. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(27): 1-6 |
2015 |
NikishaJariwala, Bankim Patel(2015). Transliteration of Digital Gujarati Text into Printable Braille. IEEE Explore- Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication System and Network Technologies: 572-577 |
2015 |
Mr.Abhishek Mehta, (2015). QR Code Recognition From Image. International Journal Of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 5(12): 781-785 |
2015 |
Hiten M. Patel, Krishna J. Prajapati,Vidhi P. Patel, Hiren F. Dodiya, Beena R. Solanki, Pratik Nayak (2015). Technical Review of Comparative Study on Different Algorithms of Image Inpainting. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, 6(7): 476 to 479 |
2015 |
Sejal K. Patel, Umang H. Mehta, Urmi M. Patel, Dhruv H. Bhagat, Pratik Nayak, Ankita D. Patel(2015). A Technical Review on Intrusion Detection System. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, 6(1): 17 to 22 |
2015 |
Nirali Honest, Bankim Patel, AtulPatel(2015). A Study of User Navigation Patterns for Web Usage Mining. International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics, 2(1): 5-8 |
2015 |
NikishaJariwala, Bankim Patel(2015). Conversion of Gujarati Text into Braille: A Review. International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, 4(1): 59-64 |
2015 |
Rudri Mehta, AnishShaikh, Namrata Patel, Ravija Mehta, Devangshi Patel, Himadri Patel(2015). A Comparative Study of Methods for Feature Extraction in Opinion Mining. National Journal of System and Information Technology, 8(1): 31-36 |
2015 |
Kevin Bhavsar,Ravi Patel, KalpeshPanchal, Jinal Shah, IshaParikha, Trupti Patel, (2015). Detection of Black Hat SEO Technique: Keyword Stuffing. International Journal for Research & Exploration in Science & Technology, 1(3): |
2015 |
PritiPrajapati, JikitshaSheth(2015). Improved Apriori Algorithm using Bottom-Up Approach. Journal of Science and Technology: 1-9 |