Miss Satinder Kaur

Stress is a trap that blocks healing and causes great pain. The shame of stress is double trouble. One of the common misperception is Stress is bad. Stress is certainly a challenge, but it need not necessarily be bad, wrong, or Shameful.

Stress only becomes bad if you handle it badly either by burying it, fighting it, blocking it, avoiding it, or lying about it.

A key to managing stress is to work with it, not against it. Stress is a message. It is personal invitations to make a change for the better. It is an internal memo that reads, Urgent! Look after yourself! Or Help! Get Support! or Important! Work Smart, not harder! Stress is an information, just use it.

Success with Stress

Success with Stress starts with inner listening. Listen to your Stress, don’t block it. What is your stress trying to tell you? Be open to receive a great gift. It pays to listen fast because otherwise the message just gets bigger and louder.

Being unauthentic is the bigger cause of stress. Whenever you are not true to yourself – to your heart, your values – you will get messages. Similarly, when you stop listening to your intuition, your higher mind and to God. you will experience fear and ego. [And remember fear and ego is the biggest enemy of success.]


Stress can be easily managed either by changing the source of Stress or changing your reactions to it. So when you feel stress try following simple tips. 

1, 2, 3...

An effective way to deal with stressful situations is to count to 10. This helps you step away from the stressful moment mentally, and gives you those 10 seconds to remove yourself from the situation at hand.

Consider it the remote control of your life; you press pause -- once you're done counting to 10 and press "play" again -- and you're in better shape to focus on the task at hand.


Get up, Stand up

If you feel like a stressful scenario is getting the best of you, remove yourself from the situation physically. Get up, take a quick walk and get some air. Give yourself a few minutes of downtime to clear your mind when things get too hectic.

It doesn’t mean that you run away, but rather that you leave for a moment and come back to the situation clearheaded and refreshed. If you don't, you risk getting frustrated, which doesn't allow you to think properly. As a result, you'll feel more stressed out, in which case your tension gets completely out of hand.

Take a hot bath. To get the most relaxation from a hot bath, soak for 15 minutes in water that is just a few degrees warmer than your body temperature.

Become a volunteer. Isolation only magnifies any worries you might have. Helping others will give you that sense of accomplishment you're always looking for, not to mention self-respect.

Correct your posture. A good upright posture improves breathing and increases blood flow to the brain, hence decreasing blood pressure and stress.

Smile more often. It's true what they say: a smile is contagious. It also lowers stress.

Hold your breath. Take a deep breath and keep it in. Holding palm to palm, press your fingers together. Wait 5 seconds, then slowly exhale through your lips while letting your hands relax. Do this 5 or 6 times until you unwind.

So to master in stress don’t let stress to master you.