Please See, Don’t look!!!!!

Ms. Jenil Thakkar
F.Y.M.Sc.(I.T.) Div:B

“It is not what you look at that matter but what you see”

-H.D Thoreau

Isn’t that quote fantastic?I think it’s Great………….& so true!!!

Whatever you are interacting with, whatever it be another being, a piece of art, a place…………………….with it comes a past that made it what it is………& what it is on the outside cannot be fully interpreted until you look further……

The obvious “Don’t judge the book by it’s cover” comes to the mind now…………but this is talking further. This path that this item or being has directed it’s actions , thoughts, interpretation , understanding & purpose……….

“Teeth of the Elephant which we look is Different from which they Eat”

This saying implicitly means that we look the teeth of a Elephant &we believe too , that by that teeth or with the help of that teeth only Elephant Eat’s. But, Actually that is not simply true!!!!!

So, don’t judge any matter from it’s outer appearance,it probably may go wrong.. Looking simply means just seeing at that matter without understanding the particular matter.But,seeing interprets looking plus interpretive understanding. waves passes over the touch screen panel, when a panel is touched a portion of wave is absorbed. This change in ultrasonic waves will register the position of the touch and sends this information to the controller for processing. The problem with the SAW technology is that, the screen panels can be damaged by the outside elements.

For example, If Ram tells Shyam that Geeta is watching T.V . It may have two possibilities ,i.e She is simply looking at the T.V , no matter whether T.V is Switched ON or OFF or She is watching T.V which is ON….Now , on Self-Belief without confirming with Ram , Shyam believe on there own that Geeta is watching T.V which is ON & we too believe the same like this only.It is Actually Wrong!!!!

Self belief is Good with understanding , but without understanding it might be Fatal. Like

“Half Knowledge is like a Poison”…

Similarly, whatever we look at is not necessarily goin to went wrong.But , the probability is Low & totally dependent on Guess factor. But, whatever we look & properly understand & then interprets always going to be true, probability is 100%,i.e. what you see. This is what, we talk something psychologically.Now , lets see something Scientifically.

Many object is not seen, though it falls within the range of visual ray, because it does not come widhin the range of intellectual ray ,i.e. we are not looking for it .So,in General we find only the world we look for.

There is no such thing as pure objective observation.Your observation , to be interesting , i.e. to be significant must be subjective.So, don’t keep of observation only objective or only subjective, but keeps it at all as a combination.

Now, talk something more technically,i.e. in context of Computer.In computer or more precise Computer Programming, we need to follow some programming steps rather than syntax & languages, we use.The first step is while looking at particular problem, first understands the problem, then plan the logic to solve & then compile it.Then& then only , the problem can be solved.

This is not , only the matter in Computer Programming, but it also tends more in real life too…Swami Vivekananda once said……

Believe on what you see, not on those matters which you not see”.

We always believe on whatever we look & we also believe on those matters which we won’t look also. This is the biggest problem in Today’s Society & matter of major concern.

So, how to observe was to look, but I say that it is rather to see & the more you look ,the less you will observe.